Юридические документы о лизинге.
Проект документов о лизинге учрежден 01-10-1999 ; редакция от 01-11-2001.
Международная лизинговая энциклопедия.
The International Leasing Encyclopedia by Steven Gilyeart.
Энциклопедии не было в интернет последние полтора года, но это не означает, что ее нет вообще. я взял на себя смелость разместить на этом сайте всю подборку статей (собственно энциклопедию), с указанием адресов электронных почт авторов материалов и редактора. Материал на английском языке.
XVIth World Leasing Conference and Annual FELALEASE Conference Conclude
21 May 1998. The XVIth World Leasing Conference and Annual FELALEASE Conference, held back-to back in Cancun, Mexico, on 18-19 and 20 May 1998, have just concluded. But what, if anything, can be concluded about the future of leasing in the world?
As I traveled to Mexico for the two conferences with an overnight stop in Dallas-Ft. Worth to visit a long-time friend, there was a thick haze in the air from forest fires raging in southern Mexico. As I returned home by the same route, the haze was still there. There was haze at the conference as well.
With an estimated 150-160 participants from approximately 25 countries in attendance, the WLC achieved historical attendance patterns and the usual balanced program of reports on the status of leasing in various countries or regions, topical subject matters (securitization, for example), and other items of various interest, such as NAFTA's impact on the Mexican economy. However, while it would be expected that 13 Latin American countries were well represented, and the Asian countries were unsurprisingly absent, the European lessors were surprisingly absent. Even the American lessors were underrepresented, and Cancun is a popular resort getaway for many a US citizen.
In this era of globalization of markets, free trade zone expansions and cross-border impacts of domestic market gyrations, there seemed to be a relatively minimal discussion of the truly global challenges that face the leasing industry. As well summarized in the presentation of Jim Possehl, President of Republic Financial Corporation, the US Leasing industry seems self-absorbed in consolidating itself into fewer and larger financial services companies. As evidenced by the attendance representation, as well as my own conversations with lessors in recent months, the US leasing industry still does not seem to have a genuine interest beyond the water's edge. This is unfortunate. Future growth of a lease economy as mature as that of the United States certainly lies abroad. To be sure, not all North American lessors, particularly those affiliated with information technology parents, are waiting. But the IT industry is not the only market sector which needs to see the world from a less provincial perspective. All market sectors are being internationalized at an ever-increasing pace. Just as the haze from the fires in Mexico cross the border into Texas, everything is crossing the border these days.
As for the European leasing community, maybe they have their hands full with the coming of the euro in just over seven months, as well as with the other impacts of the European Monetary Union and the EU's activities in general. Certainly, these are monumental changes that will have far-reaching consequences. Yet, that is all the more reason that EU lessors should be increasing their presence and activity in the international leasing community. The EU's collective leasing activities represent a major portion of the world's leasing volume, but it too is a mature market. Both US and EU lessors need to look to emerging markets if they are to grow beyond the confines of their own mature leasing economies. Maybe the haze from the uncertainties of the monetary union have reduced the level of visibility and the horizon.
Several African countries were in attendance, but leasing in Africa is not well-appreciated outside the continent. One member of the audience asked whether there was a regional leasing association. AFROLEASE, the umbrella organization for leasing associations located in African countries, will hold its Fourth Annual Conference in July. The existence of AFROLEASE is not widely known. While few foreign lessors have entered the African markets, the returns in the continent have generally been good and above average, as noted in the presentation of Emeka Ndu, Managing Director of C&I Leasing, PLC, in Nigeria.
Latin America has had its hands full with various local issues, such as some successful fights to reduce inflation, problematic government regulatory issues, and inadequate judicial systems. Yet, through it all, leasing in Latin America continues to develop in its national markets-- but the focus is still in-country. Significant cross-border and international leasing activity in Latin America is yet to come.
But come it must, to all regions of the world. As critical as it is for mature markets, the global economy mandates an international perspective of all businesses today. There is no haze clouding that picture. International markets are not just the concern of large, multinational organizations. While moving into off-shore markets is indeed daunting, with complex tax, accounting, legal and regulatory issues, to say nothing of local business customs and practices, there is more and more access to foreign markets and information about how to establish a presence abroad, available every day. It becomes everyone in the leasing industry to move with all due haste in that direction, for there lies the future.
If you have a story about your efforts to move into a foreign market--and would like to tell it--we would love to hear from you. Please share your experiences. (Our contact infromation is at the top of the left border and on our home page.)
©1998. Steven Gilyeart. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint or repost this commentary is given provided that it it reproduced in its entirely, including its title, date and author identification, without any deletions or modifications and with this copyright notice attached.
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