Юридические документы о лизинге.
Проект документов о лизинге учрежден 01-10-1999 ; редакция от 01-11-2001.
Международная лизинговая энциклопедия.
The International Leasing Encyclopedia by Steven Gilyeart.
Энциклопедии не было в интернет последние полтора года, но это не означает, что ее нет вообще. я взял на себя смелость разместить на этом сайте всю подборку статей (собственно энциклопедию), с указанием адресов электронных почт авторов материалов и редактора. Материал на английском языке.
Selecting A Collection Agency
by Bonded Collections of Tucson. Contact: Tamara Gehauf, [email protected]
6 October 1999. Selecting a collection agency based upon the lowest fee charged may not be the best choice. While price is always a factor in making any business decision, it should not be the sole determining factor, particularly where qualitative factors also need to be assessed. Most of us are familiar with the old adage, "You get what you pay for." Low collection fess often result in an agency scaling back its collection efforts. A collection agency is a business and as such needs to earn a profit. Lower prices or fees often means that the agency will cut back on its collection efforts to reduce expenses and earn a profit. Instead of a low collection fee rate, a collector should focus on a measure called "net back." Simply stated, net back means the amount of money returned to a company from accounts placed after the agency has been paid its fee--money that the company can use in its business. This is true cash flow. Often agencies that have low collection fess do not produce high net back. The following provides a simple example of net back. For this example, it is assumed that a company places an equal dollar amount of accounts with two collection agencies. Agency A charges 15 per cent; Agency B charges 25 per cent.
Agency A (15%)
Agency B (25%)
Amount Placed
Amount Collected
Collected Fees
Remitted to Company (Net Back)
- In this example of net back, Agency B returned $28,000 more to the company than Agency A, although it had a substantially higher collection fee, 25% v. 15%. Obviously, in this example, a creditor would be way ahead of the game if they had chosen Agency B over A. It is important in selecting an agency that you look beyond the fee that they are charging and understand the resources that will be applied to collect your accounts. To gain that understanding, ask the agency the following questions: What has been their experience in collecting accounts similar to yours? Who have they dealt with in your industry, and can you contact them for a reference? What collection procedures will they apply to the collection of your accounts? Will they rely on letters or will they also be suing telephone collections? Where necessary, will they place your accounts with attorneys for legal action? Does the quoted fee include all of these services or are there different fees for telephone collections and legal forwarding? Finally, look for the Seal of a CERTIFIED agency to be sure of receiving the highest level of professional collection services, competitive results and ethical dealings with you and your customers.
Updated 6 October 1999
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