Проект документов о лизинге.

Юридические документы о лизинге.

Проект документов о лизинге учрежден 01-10-1999 ; редакция от 01-11-2001.

Лизинг - способ финансирования инвестиций, использующий арендные отношения для извлечения налоговых и иных выгод. Проект документов о лизинге учрежден 01-10-1999. Публикации о лизинге (документы) и другие страницы о лизинге (проекты документов). Об экономической эффективности лизинга. Формирование рейтингов кредитоспособности лизинговых компаний. Анализ методик лизинга. Российская и иностранная литература по лизингу. Списки с аннотациями по разделам: книги; научные публикации, диссертации, слушания в Конгрессе США по аренде и лизингу, периодические издания; информационные и рекламные материалы; избранные страницы в интернет (ссылки). Ваши рецензии на документы о лизинге, вопросы, замечания и предложения по развитию проекта оставляйте в этом разделе сайта. Краткие ответы автора проекта на заданные вопросы и новые комментарии читайте в настоящем лизинговом форуме. Вы можете посмотреть коммерческую информацию посетителей сайта и размесить свои объявления о лизинге (без комментариев автора проекта).
Оперативная, актуальная информация о лизинге из разных стран; анонсы событий, связанных с арендой и лизингом; российские и зарубежные (мировые) новости о лизинге можно посмотреть по ссылкам этого раздела. Архив российских новостей о лизинге. Нормативные документы о лизинге. Список с указанием дат выхода документов. Письма; постановления; указы, проекты изменений к документам и т. п. Собственно нормативные документы о лизинге . Ссылки на российские и зарубежные ресурсы по лизингу. Коллекция ссылок по разделам: государственные институты и общественные объединения; лизинговые компании; программное обеспечение; образование; оценка лизингового имущества; страхование; юридическое сопровождение сделок; консалтинг. Рейтинги и статистика лизинговых интернет-ресурсов; новые сайты о лизинге в интернет. Философия проекта; об авторе; предложения спонсорам.

Международная лизинговая энциклопедия.

The International Leasing Encyclopedia by Steven Gilyeart.

Энциклопедии не было в интернет последние полтора года, но это не означает, что ее нет вообще. я взял на себя смелость разместить на этом сайте всю подборку статей (собственно энциклопедию), с указанием адресов электронных почт авторов материалов и редактора. Материал на английском языке.

Belgium's Royal Decree No. 55 of 10 November 1967 Defining the Legal Status of Enterprises Engaged in Financial Leasing Please Note: This is an unofficial translation.

Article 1. Financial rent or leasing is characterized as follows: The equipment is used by the lessee exclusively for professional purposes; The property shall be purchased by the lessor specifically for renting in accordance with specifications of the future lessee; The term of a lease according to the contract shall correspond with estimated useful life of the equipment; The rentals shall be set up so that the leased equipment would have been depreciated by the end of the lease term; The contract shall provide for the right of the lessee to acquire equipment at the end of the lease term for the price specified in the contract, which shall correspond with the estimated residual value of the equipment.

Article 2. People who have obtained the appropriate permission from the Ministry of Economy are entitled to write financial rent or leasing (the definition is provided in Article 1) transactions. The resolution of the Ministry specifies the content of such permission.

Article 3. People who transact their professional operations listed in Article 1 without the permission of the ministry of economy or under terms which contradict the conditions of the permission, are incarcerated for a period of 8 days - 6 months and/or are subject to a fine of 200 - 50 000 Belgium Franks. Legal entities have joint and several civil liability for fines and expenses incurred as the result of a decision made against physical persons which function as administrators, acting managers in charge of the liquidation process or managers of the aforementioned legal entities. Furthermore, the judge can make a final or temporary decision which prohibits the conclusion of financial rent transactions and order a close down or temporarily suspend the activity of the organization that violated the law.

Article 4. People who have already been writing financial rent transactions at the moment of enactment of this resolution shall obtain a permission within six months after the date of its enactment and adjust their activity to bring it in line with the conditions provided by the law. Otherwise, they shall terminate their operations at the expiration of this term under the fear of the punitive sanctions listed in Article 3.

Updated 2 December 1998

Belgium's Royal Decree No. 55 of 10 November 1967

Defining the Legal Status of Enterprises Engaged in Financial Leasing

Please Note: This is an unofficial translation.

Article 1.

Financial rent or leasing is characterized as follows:

Article 2.

People who have obtained the appropriate permission from the Ministry of Economy are entitled to write financial rent or leasing (the definition is provided in Article 1) transactions. The resolution of the Ministry specifies the content of such permission.

Article 3.

People who transact their professional operations listed in Article 1 without the permission of the ministry of economy or under terms which contradict the conditions of the permission, are incarcerated for a period of 8 days - 6 months and/or are subject to a fine of 200 - 50 000 Belgium Franks.

Legal entities have joint and several civil liability for fines and expenses incurred as the result of a decision made against physical persons which function as administrators, acting managers in charge of the liquidation process or managers of the aforementioned legal entities.

Furthermore, the judge can make a final or temporary decision which prohibits the conclusion of financial rent transactions and order a close down or temporarily suspend the activity of the organization that violated the law.

Article 4.

People who have already been writing financial rent transactions at the moment of enactment of this resolution shall obtain a permission within six months after the date of its enactment and adjust their activity to bring it in line with the conditions provided by the law. Otherwise, they shall terminate their operations at the expiration of this term under the fear of the punitive sanctions listed in Article 3.

Updated 2 December 1998

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