Юридические документы о лизинге.
Проект документов о лизинге учрежден 01-10-1999 ; редакция от 01-11-2001.
Международная лизинговая энциклопедия.
The International Leasing Encyclopedia by Steven Gilyeart.
Энциклопедии не было в интернет последние полтора года, но это не означает, что ее нет вообще. я взял на себя смелость разместить на этом сайте всю подборку статей (собственно энциклопедию), с указанием адресов электронных почт авторов материалов и редактора. Материал на английском языке.
Selling the Lease: Sales Styles
by Michael Granieri, Granieri & Associates, [email protected]
Granieri & Associates have been leading lease educators for over 25 years. Their "Top Gun" marketing and sales seminars have always been a best seller.
Sales Styles There are four types of sales styles: 1. Precise 2. Persistent 3. Talkative 4. Quick Sell "Top Gun" Point--If you take rejection personally, you are not long for this business of selling. Your prospect is not rejecting you--he is rejecting your product. Remember, there is no right selling style. All "Top Guns" strive for one thing--and that is to be the best in their selling profession.
1. The Precise Sell Style You like perfection. You insist on it in yourself and want to require it in others. You plan presentations meticulously. After that, you usually plan them again. Cold calls bother you. You prefer referrals. You tend to take rejection personally instead of professionally.
2 Persistent Sales Style You are loyal to your accounts. You understand product problems and build strong client relationships. You give good service. You have an approach to sales that develops referral radiation. "Top Gun" Point--The average salesperson closes one in ten appointments that were secured by cold calls. The same average person will close four of five referrals. Referrals are the only way to fly in the selling profession. Whether or not you close your prospect on doing business with you, you should always ask for a referral. More often than not, they will give you one. Caution--Many people with the persistent sales style have a problem asking for the order. Do you procrastinate when asking for the order? As professional salespeople, we live for the close. To fall from grace at this point would be a crime. Remember--always ask for the order.
3. Talkative Sales Style You enjoy being the center of attention. You are definitely people oriented. You are outgoing, confident, popular, and never at a loss for words. You talk too much. (I still do and it has cost me money over the years.) You know what I mean--you overcome the objection and talk your way into another because you don't advance on the close. "Top Gun" Point--Make yourself a selling resolution: Ask more questions. This will help cure your problem.
4. The Quick Sell Style You start asking for the check before you get out of the car. You are confident, aggressive, and a good prospector. You go after the sale like bees to honey. You are probably a lousy listener--you are too busy closing. But you are missing a lot of buying signals from your prospects. You really don't like planning your presentations and occasionally come across as condescending.
"Top Gun" Point--You need to become highly organized--and you need to become a better listener to your customers. Reflections 1. There are no right or wrong sales styles. 2. Work hard to improve your strong points and even harder to improve your weak points. 3. Watch the master closers and learn from them. Don't copy their presentations word-for-word, emulate them in principle.
Updated 15 June 1999
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